Forward Fall 2021


We know the stories. We’ve been here for over a year. The air cargo industry has had to defibrillate the country’s supply chain to help essential workers, the economy and life in general, but it hasn’t been easy overcoming the siege of COVID-19. Yet as we see its decline, we hear of variants and other viruses that might debilitate us — Zika, SARS, H1N1, Influenza and similar cohorts threaten to but also to future-proof against new microbial threats, helping people get back into the workplace. My approach to UV & sanitation systems serves as a culmination and a natural evolution of my 18-year career in Defense with the objective — the protection of people.” hold the economy in a high degree of uncertainty and disruption. Somehow, we need ways to still keep the supply chain alive despite the speed bumps. We live on a planet where pathogens are alive, growing, mutating, and continuing to afflict humans and economies. When economies are in turmoil the global supply chain including air cargo is imperiled and put at risk. To fight these ongoing pathogens, companies need to address customer and employee safety. This is where Nav Grover Mosey, the CEO of Safe Disinfecting Inc. (SDI), a woman and minority owned small business, developed a new range of virus disinfecting technologies. “Our products are dedicated to not only the eradication of COVID-19 UV light comes from the sun and has three distinct bands — A, B & C. Te C-band (200–400 NM) is highly effective in disrupting the RNA/DNA of the microorganism which doesn’t allow them to replicate, and thus they die. COVID cells (including COVID-19) are an open cell micro-organism and are very easily inactivated with UVC energy so they cannot replicate and so, die quickly. But besides just emitting UV light, SDI made the product safe enough for people to be in the same room, while the UV light was in effect. One of SDI’s first customers, the El Paso International Airport, an early adopter of new technologies, was brainstorming solutions to revive their office spaces to have their employees operating in a safe and secure manner. Absenteeism in any company is a drag on productivity, especially in the air cargo business due to the unique nature of the business, and affects the corporate bottom line. El Paso augmented their virus defense with a full deployment of SDI’s state of the art UV technologies, including multiple Foton Defender™ products, and after a 2-week test resulted in a 99.9% efficacy disinfection rate which improved productivity within the office spaces. Additionally, SDI has deployed their UV technologies at the Travis Air Force Base and the SoundBox LA recording studios, developing unique solutions for each in order to improve their ROI. All air cargo companies have traditional environmental disinfection processes, but due to the unique environment of offices and processing stations this environment poses unique challenges in keeping people and cargo safe. Te new world reality of COVID-19 with its new variants, as well as other life-threatening pathogens, requires a higher level of disinfection to reduce human and supply chain disruption. The Foton Defender™ 222 nm product (see Figure 1) is device that can be installed in a room where humans can continue to operate and safely work. At the 222 nm wavelength the efficacy results a log-3 reduction over 400 square feet in approximately 10 minutes, so every 10 minutes you achieve a high level of disinfection! Additionally, the Foton Defender™ is “always on” so it is always disinfecting in a 360-degree fashion; if someone brings a pathogen into the room the Foton Defender™ is cycling through its disinfecting process attacking the new infestation immediately while treating the air and surfaces. The Foton Defender™ has a UV filter patent that ensures people are safe from the harmful radiance that UVC devices typically give of. SDI engineers disinfection solutions for the specific application, and the air cargo industry will benefit from these multi-level solutions we provide.

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